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Love Abruzzo Property
Viale kennedy, 24
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Love Abruzzo Property is a Member of: F.I.A.I.P., the Italian Federation of Professional Estate Agents. We are registered in the Italian Chamber of Commerce of Pescara with registration number: and License Number of Estate Agents Register: della C.C.I.A.A. Pescara. Italian Chamber of Commerce of Pescara with registration number: REA 140346 License Number of Estate Agents Register: 497 C.C.I.A.A. Pescara. We three originally met a few years ago when Roger.come to view properties in Abruzzo. Daniela was the first person he met and he was immediately impressed with her knowledge and her ability to inspire confidence and a feeling of friendship. She was able to find him the perfect property, now his home, within a very short time. Roger met Piera at the.compromesso stage of the buying process and the two of them immediately estabilished a warm rapport. Piera introdused Roger to her family, and Italy ( in that order of importance ) while helping him to adjust to a new way of life. The three have been good friends ever since and for some time have planned to go into business together. As we three feel confidence in and friendship with each other so we also wish to inspire the same feelings in our clients.